Our annual Hungarian Heritage Day was held on June 7, 2009 at St. Margaret Catholic Hall in Hungarian Settlement near Albany, Louisiana. Thirty-six honorees (those of Hungarian descent age 75 and older) and their families attended the event and had a very enjoyable afternoon. Each honoree was given a corsage made by Elizabeth Bordok. Jim King, president of the AHSCA, welcomed everyone and recognized all the honorees. Suzanna Green led the Star-Spangled Banner and Victoria Mocsary led the Hungarian National Anthem. Elizabeth Bordok read a history about Hungarian Settlement and St. Margaret Catholic Church regarding its upcoming 100 year celebration in 2010. Various committees of the church are hard at work preparing for this historical event. A prize was given to Rose Kreko and Alex Sziszak for the being the oldest honorees present. Frank Lezu from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, received a prize for being the honoree who traveled the farthest to attend. Hungarian songs were sung by Suzanna Green, Megan Green and Christina Mocsary and led by their aunt, Victoria Mocsary. All of these are direct decendents of Adam Mocsary, one of our community's original founders. The songs included: Piros Piros Piros, Kis Kutya Nagy Kutya, Az a Szép, Debrecen, Ég a Város, and Megismerni a Kanászt. Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success. Bill Prokop took photos and Victoria Mocsary created a photo collage for each honoree.

Victoria Mocsary (on guitar) performs Hungarian Folk songs with Megan Green, Christina Mocsary and Suzanna Green with handmade strawberry quilt crafted by Elizabeth Ivanyisky Bordok hanging as backdrop behind.

From left to right around table: Mary Ann Glodan Wax, her sister, Anna Glodan Kirby, Rose Kovach Kreko speaking with Clara Olah, Helen Chaucer Galladora, Robert Lee, Nick and Ethel Erdey, Julius Megyesi, Joe Olah, and Anna Ujvari Odor.
Reconnect Hungary
Apply for the 2019 ReConnect Hungary Program
ReConnect Hungary-Hungarian Birthright Program is a unique cultural, educational and social immersion program for young adults aged 18-28 of Hungarian heritage, born in the U.S. or Canada. The next Hungarian birthright trip is June 14-30, 2019. Take advantage of rolling admissions, and beat the January 31st deadline! You can find out if you have been selected for the Program within 2 weeks after submitting a completed application. Please take a look at our website to find more information, videos and photos of previous trips and general information.
Hungarian Settlement Museum
The Hungarian Settlement Museum is now open.The days and hours of operation are Tuesdays and Fridays, and the second Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more information on the Museum, click on the link above.
