President: Marci McKnight

Vice President: Julius Friedman

Treasurer: Mindy Erdey Starkey

Secretary: Elizabeth Fekete

Social Media: Emily Fekete Miller

Public Relations: Joe Erdey

Harvest Dance Instructor & Coordinator:

Nichole King McMorris

Board Members: Johnny Erdey, Pete Pffifner, Yvette Schilling, Frank Fekete, and Molly Fekete





Reconnect Hungary

The Reconnect Hungary-Hungarian Birthright Program is a unique cultural, educational and social immersion program for young adults ages 18 to 28 of Hungarian heritage, born in the U.S. or Canada. Please click the link below for general information, photos, and videos of previous trips.



Hungarian Settlement Museum


The Hungarian Settlement Museum is open on Tuesdays and the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. Hours of operation are 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission is free but, donations are appreciated. For more information on the Museum, click on the link above.